You what?!?! A script supervisor by trade who dares to dream she can do more? How dare she!!!
Welcome to my world of Scripts... I know, I know, crew members who dare to put their head above the parapet and ask for more, are usually trouble makers right?
Well, if that is the case then, lock me up and throw away the key...
But before you do, please make sure I've got final draft with me...
Because I simply couldn't survive without it.
Picture this. You spend your whole childhood writing. Performing. Creating. Collaborating. Escaping into worlds through words because, that's the only thing you have in your arsenal to survive the suburban nightmare that has been thrust upon you... To then get a career (sort of in the field you want), but to be told by the industry you're in that you can't actually do the thing you really want because actually, you need to stay in your lane... I know. Heartbreaking isn't it?
There really isn't much I don't know about scripts for TV and Film from my many years of experience in it. I have come to learn a lot of styles, many ways of doing things (both good and bad) and have tried to mould and adapt myself as someone who can fit into it all.
That includes, script editing on shows I am script supervising on, writing new scenes on films that are decided on the day, stepping up the trainee so I can write some additional material on behalf of the show-runner and even directing the 2nd unit when everything is on fire and so on. So one could say, I can lend a hand in a lot of areas, whenever you should require it .
And I'm not just writing for myself either, I am writing for and with other creatives. Both in passing along the way of my career, as well as individually on projects outside of the work I am doing in scripts. I love getting the best out of other writers. Challenging them. Developing and unlocking things that they haven't necessarily thought of. And that's why you should check out my growing writing community,
Script Life North.
Articulating other people's scripts and helping them to achieve their vision, is what I am all about. Producer, writer, and all around script guru too, in the hope I'll get to make something magical with a bunch of cool filmmakers in the process of it all. Did I also mention I am a dab hand at movie magic budgeting and scheduling as well?
But don't let that put you off. If you want me to just be the script supervisor and take notes and advise, I can just do that as well. But you can have as much or as little of my skills as you desire when you hire me. I just want to do the best job for you, the production and get shit done.
And to those who think we cannot do more and be more than one thing in this industry... well you're wrong. Some of us have to wear multiple hats to keep food on the table, whilst also doing the stuff we all as filmmakers, set out on this journey to do in the first place. And if that means that some people don't want to work with you for being that someone who wants to grow and champion other creatives too then... I guess you don't want to work with them either.
But in and amongst all of these 'delusional', wild and crazy ambitions that little old me, hailing from my writing room in the North East dares to dream, are a selection of other really amazing projects I have been working on over the last 25 years, that I am extremely grateful of.
So if you're here looking for a Script Supervisor or Script Editor then, check out my Script CV tab.
And if you're here to see on what else I can offer, then please head over to my creative CV, with a link to my other website too.
And you want to know what the best bit about this whole website is?
That I really am just getting started!
Much love and spoken words, Scriptylife. XoXoX
P.S - Please don't take my bolshy, sarcy and spicy neurotic little tone here as a personality trait. I'm actually really sound and canny laid back. It's just with all these ChatGPT warriors hot on our screenwriting heels... We've got to keep things original somehow right?